non-toxic products to keep your home clean

The shelves are stocked at supermarkets, home improvement stores, and discount marts with dozens of options for cleaning everything inside and outside your home. But easy and cheap isn’t always the safest solution. It turns out that making your own can be the most economical and effective way to tackle your housekeeping tasks. Try this easy recipe with products you most likely already have on hand: Baking soda, white vinegar, and liquid soap. To create this basic all-purpose cleaner, simply start with a 50/50 ratio of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. You can add a few drops of dish soap to the mixture to help dissolve oils/grease.

For food storage, use glass containers. Never microwave plastic. Eliminate the use of rug powders, room sprays and plug-in air fresheners. Try reed diffusers and soy candles instead. Add plants as a natural air cleaner!



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