Ask Marcy About Investing
Learn What Savvy Real Estate Investors Know
Stocks, Bonds, Mutual funds, Cryptocurrency… With several options in which you can invest, the savvy investor must know how to look at the BIG picture, taking into consideration current trends and historical data for rates of return and interest rates.
Traditionally, Real Estate has appreciated on average 7% annually. Add to that a typical COLA rate (cost of living adjustment) ranging from 1.5% - 2% annually, and you can count on the cost for housing to increase each year for the consumer. While homeownership continues to provide a “safety net” ensuring stability of payment for one’s own housing needs, owning real property can also provide stability of income for those with a bit of “risk tolerance” that choose to invest in rental properties.
While becoming a Landlord may seem like a daunting proposition, learning what tools, information, and resources to use can make this role a viable option for those ready to learn how to have their money make money.
Join Marcy for her Consumer Education Series to learn what a Smart Investor needs to know. In this class you can explore the “how-to’s” and decide if real estate investing is for you. Seating is limited, registration required. Check our calendar link for dates/times.